External talks
- ## The ATLAS New Small Wheel Trigger - DPF 2017, 2017/07/31
ATLAS internal talks
## MMFE8 Noise Studies at Harvard - NSW Electronics Muon Week, 2015/12/11
## DAQ system for the Harvard cosmic ray telescope using mmfe-8 front-end boards - NSW Elx Meeting, 2016/02/12
## Harvard Cosmic-Ray Telescope with MMFE8: Plans and Progress - NSW Elx Meeting, 2016/03/21
## Study of the time resolution of mmfe-8 front end boards - NSW Elx Meeting, 2016/04/01
## Status of the Harvard Micromegas Octuplet - NSW Elx Meeting, 2016/09/09
## VMM studies with the Harvard Micromegas Octuplet - Muon Week, 2016/09/28
## Investigation of the MMFE8 noise sources - NSW Elx Meeting, 2016/12/16
## Performance of a Micromegas octuplet at the time of noise, with VMM2 - Muon Week, 2017/02/10
## ## Killing the MMFE8 noise - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/02/17; MicroMegas Weekly Meeting, 2017/02/21
## ## NSW trigger processor status and its interface to Endcap NSL - Upgrade Week, 2017/03/27; NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/03/31
## Getting rid of the MMFE8 noise - MicroMegas Weekly Meeting, 2017/05/02
## Harvard measurements - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/05/05
## VMM2 failure rates during data taking - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/06/16
## ART time distributions - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/06/16
## Micromegas trigger performance - NSW/Muon Week, 2017/06/29
## Micromegas ART timing studies with the Harvard test stand - NSW/Muon Week, 2017/06/29
## Investigating the ART time resolution for cosmic rays - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/07/21
## ART studies and TP performance - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/08/11
## Micromegas and MMFE8 results after four months of data taking with the Harvard cosmic-ray telescope - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/08/11
## Updates on the Performance of the Harvard Micromegas Octuplet - MicroMegas Weekly Meeting, 2017/08/29
## All the sparks we cannot see - MicroMegas Weekly Meeting, 2017/10/17
## All the sparks we cannot see - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/10/20
## All the sparks we cannot see - NSW Elx Meeting, 2017/10/20
## MM Trigger Processor simulation - Muon Week, 2017/11/10
## Cosmic ray protocol/data analysis plans - MM Integration PDR, 2017/11/15
## Harvard Cosmic Testing @ CERN - NSW Steering Group, 2018/04/04
## Resolution Analysis - Micromegas Analysis Informal, 2018/05/24
## Development of cosmic test analysis - Muon Week, 2018/06/18
## Micromegas test beam plans for June/July: Trigger - Muon Week, 2018/07/22
## SM2 MMFE8 noise characterization - Micromegas Weekly Meeting, 2018/07/10
## Micromegas trigger data in the test beam - Micromegas Weekly Meeting, 2018/07/24
## PDO Calibration - Micromegas Weekly Meeting, 2018/08/07
## Test beam: Aspects which are not well understood - Micromegas Weekly Meeting, 2018/08/07
## MMFE8/VMM Noise studies with test-beam data - Micromegas Weekly Meeting, 2018/08/27
## Analysis Update - Micromegas Analysis Informal, 2018/08/30
## Noise results - Micromegas Technical Review, 2018/09/03
## Test beam: Timing (ART) and trigger results - Micromegas Technical Review, 2018/09/03
## Status of analysis development for cosmics data - Muon Week , 2018/10/23
## ART & trigger studies - Muon Week , 2018/10/25
## Analysis on cosmics data at BB5 - Micromegas Analysis Informal , 2018/01/17
## BB5 Cosmics Analysis - Muon Week , 2018/02/06